Thursday, July 4, 2013

Avengers Academy: Human Torch & Doctor Strange

Much like the Featured Team column, Avengers Academy features a PVP team that is easy to acquire and works at lower level brackets.  It'll have a budget, low level focus for the items, and won't use items that are no longer in the rotation at the time of printing.

Unlike the Featured Teams, I won't be giving ratings to these teams:  They're all excellent low level options, but they don't usually scale into the endgame, while many of the endgame teams scale downwards.

Annhilius Human Torch (Bruiser and Blaster are both acceptable):
ISO-8:  Steady
Your plan with Torch is Flame Stream > Fireball, repeat until they are dead.  Use his Nova Blast if you get low.  Avoid Ring of Fire like the plague.

Why the Bruiser costume, you ask?  Because at low levels, many agents are using the free Scrapper uniform (on Facebook anyhow), and you want to avoid being weak to other Doctor Strange teams.  Keep in mind if you see a lot of opposing Human Torches, you will want to switch to Blaster.  Blaster is also cheaper on the old CPs, so use your best judgment.

Modern Doctor Strange (Tactician):
ISO-8:  Steady
Strange is more complex than Torch, but still relatively straightforward.  Vapors of Valtorr first, then for future turns, if you have Power of the Principales you want to use Teresing Boost or Shield of the Seraphim to protect and heal party members who are in danger, then blast with Bolts of Balthakk.  If you have Powers and are firmly ahead you can use Vapors, but it's recommended to save it for healing.

Unlike with Torch, where Blaster can be decent, Strange really wants to be a Tactician.  Triggering counterattacks from Infiltrators can be avoided, but you really don't want opposing tacticians getting multiple turns pounding on Blaster Doctor Strange.

Tactician Agent
ISO-8:  Steady
Key items:
Curative Reach
Pyro Tonfa // Phosphorous Pang

Curative Reach allows you to heal your team, and is available in the mid 20s.  It's a staple almost all the way through the low and mid level pvp scene, allowing you to keep your team alive long enough to set up and do damage.

The other item your Agent is fielding for this team is an item that applies Burning, to allow the Human Torch to just fireball away without having to waste turns setting up.  Fireball is your main damage output, so the quicker you can get started with it the better.  Focus on applying Burned to members of the opposing team that don't have it yet.

Your agent has some flexibility:  If you're lucky enough to have one, I'd suggest a Sinister Scepter for its synergy with Strange, and anything that can apply Soulfire or remove buffs (like a scroll) would be good as well.  As you level, Sudden Support and other quick action items that increase your damage output are also excellent choices.


Total CP Cost:  Anywhere from 119 to 144, with 119 being both Blasters, and 144 being for Bruiser/Tactician.

This team hits hard, particularly at low levels where Torch's base damage is very impressive.  It's also not lacking in the sustainability department, with numerous damage over time effects, shields, and heals from Strange allowing you to continue to fight for quite some time.  You need to be very careful when fighting opposing Torch teams however, since you don't want to get locked in a Torch vs Torch fight (they never end).  Protect Strange, he's the lynchpin of the team, and you should be OK.

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