Thursday, July 18, 2013

Avengers Academy: Cyclops & Wolverine

Avengers Academy features a PVP team that is easy to acquire and works at lower level brackets.  It'll have a budget, low level focus for the items, and won't use items that are no longer in the rotation at the time of printing.

Cyclops (Tactician):
ISO-8:  Steady
Use Evasive Maneuvers whenever it's available, then Optic Blast > Exploit Weakness.  Mega Optic blast is nice when you need to do aoe damage to avoid a single target protect, or are desperate and need to get lucky to win a fight.  Cyclops is great for setting up full stacks of bleeds with Wolverine, and generally providing large surges of damage to single targets, allowing you to burn down teams quickly.

Brown and Tan Wolverine (Scrapper or Infiltrator):
ISO-8:  Steady
You don't need Brown and Tan, but it definitely helps.  The extra turns from his protect don't often proc, but they do lead to wins often enough.
If the target is flanked, you can lead with Savage Rend to proc Adamantium Claws, otherwise use Adamantium Claws, then proceed to Berserker Frenzy on bleeding targets to tear them to shreds.  You can use Savage Rend on protectors if you really need to disable their protects, as well, but often times I find I just want to apply bleeds and let them bleed out, assuming they're not immune to bleeds.  Only use Feral Ambush to attack targets through protects, most notably Phoenix.  Wolverine is one of the better heroes for tearing up Phoenix due to his hard hitting DOTs and his stealthy attack and ability to negate protects.

Scrapper or Generalist Agent
ISO-8:  Steady
Key items:
Curative Reach
Brutal Claw

If you are seeing a lot of Bruisers go Generalist (or Blaster, but that's dangerous at low levels with all the Doctor Strange around), otherwise, Scrapper is excellent for beating down infiltrators that can otherwise give Cyclops problems.  I typically try to cover for Cyclops with the Agent, since Wolverine is pretty durable on his own and you can usually burn down a Bruiser before they get too big off your Wolverine.

Brutal Claw is available through the store, as well as mission gear from 3-5 (epic boss) and 4-2.  It applies a bleed and Ravaged, which you will generally want to allow your agent to prepare targets for Wolverine to rip them apart with Berserker Frenzy.

Curative Reach allows you to heal your team, and is available in the mid 20s.  It's a staple almost all the way through the low and mid level pvp scene, allowing you to keep your team alive long enough to set up and do damage.

This team can also benefit from attacks that grant the party stats:  Wolverine is particularly good with Strengthened for example, so if you happen to have something that grants that as a bonus (please don't use Offensive Accelerator, please), then go ahead and use that.  Protect items on your Agent are also excellent for this team.


Total CP Cost:  160 if you buy Scrapper Brown and Tan, and base Cyclops (since Phoenix Five isn't readily available).  You might want Infiltrator, in which case the cost goes up to 175.

This team is excellent at burning down single targets:  If you face a lot of Phoenix, this team is one way that you can take her down quickly and efficiently.  It also has a pretty good long game, since Wolverine can take on many heroes one on one without significant danger due to his Healing Factor granting a lot of extra HP throughout a fight.

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