Friday, June 14, 2013

Featured Team - Spider-Man//Invisible Woman

Future Foundation Spider-Man -Infiltrator
ISO-8: 8x Steady (Health/Attack/Accuracy) OR 4x Deft, 4x Mercurial.
(I have moved to Steady as there are enough ways to make your unbuffed avoidance irrelevant.)

Future Foundation Invisible Woman -Infiltrator
ISO-8:  8x Steady (Health/Attack/Accuracy)

Agent - Bruiser
ISO-8: 8x Chaotic ISO-8

Armory:  This team wants you to have a very defensive armory, since the offense from this team comes over time.  Ideally, you'll have something like a 30/70 offense to defense.

Optimal Gear:

  1. Warbringer's Axe
  2. Scroll of Angolob
  3. Scroll of Ocerebi Nomaj
  4. Coulson's Revenge

Starting Player Gear

(This is intended for players who are new to the game, and do not have access to gold items, limited edition items, or the like.  Consider it the "budget" recommendations, although I will recommend many customized items from epic bosses, so expect to do a bit of farming.)

  1. Curative Reach
  2. Custom Bolt-Action 4 Bore
  3. Norn Stone
  4. Custom Only For Killing
This gear set is a bit finicky, so I wanted to go into detail about it, specifically Norn Stone.  This team is one whose game plan is to go very long, and if you can keep your Agent alive until The Future Is Now, with a couple Norn Stone buffs you can be unstoppable.  Custom Only for Killing is also something you want to use right away on their damage-dealing team members.

Team Strategy:

This is a very defensive team, that has a clearly outlined plan:  Use the Future Foundation synergy to generate "The Future is Now" after three rounds.  Surviving until then is the hardest part of your plan, once you do the opposing team tends to be dead quickly to your swarm of critical hits.

So how do you do that?  Your opening sequence is very important.  Spider-Man needs to Spider-Sense, and then web someone.  You will fall into a rhythm of Web Shot and Web-Slingshot, only using your Web Swing if you need to stun someone or lose.  I find it's more of a desparation attack than a reliable tactic.

Invisible Woman should always open with a shield unless she has already counterattacked a shield onto the team.  You will prioritize shielding your team and for the most part, unless Wolverine, Human Torch or another powerful debuff-applying Scrapper or Blaster is present.  If their scrapper cannot be easily beaten by your agent, you can use Force Cage to contain them.  You should also Force Cage War Machine out of the gate, as the AI will then use Charged Capacitors and have no attacks to make.  If you know the enemy Agent has Power of Four, the same thing applies.  There's a number of fights where Force Cage can cause the AI to act extremely poorly, potentially throwing away a number of turns, stamina and cooldowns extremely poorly.

Your Agent is your primary source of offense at first, and you'll want to use them to crush out the opposing team as you heal Spider-Man.  Spider-Man is an exceptional proc-based protector, and his Tingling Sensation buff makes it so that teams that attack you repeatedly like Quicksilver will soon be unable to touch you at all.


This team is one that used to perform much better than it does today.  It was one of the best teams in the past when Tingling Sensation didn't stop stacking and didn't remove itself over time, but it's still a powerful synergistic team with a lot of potential.  Since the game is very much about Tacticians right now, this is one of the few teams that can really punish players for using them.

This is also a reasonably good defensive team:  It has a lot of protects and reasonable offense if they survive no matter what they do, which makes it a fine team to leave on defense.  It's a bit slow to use on offense, since it plans to go long and one of the most important things about attacks in PVP is being able to make them quickly.

At low levels this team is exceptional, where players aren't sure how to approach it.  At higher levels, it's a fine team that has some pretty glaring weaknesses, but it is still a fine team, and if you have Spider-Man you really should check it out.

On Attack:  C+
On Defense:  B


Wolverine.  He's the best at what he does, and what he does is kill Spider-Man dead in short order.  There's a reason the Agent is set up to beat him around the ears, and that's because he will otherwise run over you.  You also have problems with teams based on Rescue, since she can strip away Tingling Sensation and your shields.

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