Monday, June 24, 2013

Featured Team: Brown-And-Tan Wolverine // X-23

Wolverine ISOs:  Steady (Attack/Accuracy/Health)
X-23 ISOs:  Steady (Attack/Accuracy/Health)
Agent ISOs:  Chaotic (All Stats)
Total CP cost:  270

Do you like bleeds?  OF COURSE YOU DO.  Do you like snikting bubs?  OF COURSE YOU DO!  Do you have trouble winning fights against Rescue?

Well I can't help you there, buddy!  This isn't the team for you.  But if you like solid teams that punish nearly every other kind of team that likes to take multiple actions, this one is for you.  It's particularly good against teams that run scrappers, particularly Quicksilver teams.   This team is also particularly good against teams that rely heavily on shields for their defense and healing, since bleeds circumvent many of the shields not provided by Omega Sentinel or Rescue.

Rescue is unfortunately a huge problem for this team, which is why the Agent is set up the way it is.  With the Scrapper Aegis Armor you can apply Targeted to Rescue or other tough defensive heroes, and with Monstrosity and Custom Bolt Action 4-Bore you can hit incredibly hard and entirely circumvent the debuff skipping your next turn.

This team has many viable other item choices, including avoiding that entirely in favor of setups including Neurotrope, Kuzuri, Scroll of Nomaj (in addition to Angolob) in an attempt to beat Rescue, or by using an Infiltrator Agent with something like Sinister Scepter to allow you to freely counterattack her if she attacks your agent.

Budget Agent Build:
Infiltrator Armor (preferably) or any 8 slot armor of your choice.
Custom Posessed Pistol
Magnetic Field Generator
"Snikt!" // Golden Feral Claws
Digital Decoy

The basic strategy for this team depends on the turn order.

If Wolverine acts first:  Use Adamantium Claws on an Infiltrator if possible, otherwise, use it on the most annoying non-Bruiser.  X-23 should follow up with her Blades of Rage, and your Agent should use Custom Bolt Action on the bleeding target to try to polish them off either right there, or on the next bleed tick.

If X-23 acts first:  Use Snikt on a suitable target, preferably a scrapper if present.  Wolverine should target a different target with Adamantium Claws.  The Agent in this case should focus fire on the target Wolverine has bled, to try to kill it off quickly.

If the Agent acts first:  This is the worst scenario.  Hopefully their team has done something you need to react to, otherwise, I would pick a target to focus fire.

If you lose someone early:  This is where this team shines.  Even if one member goes down, X-23 or Wolverine can both win fights entirely on their own, provided that you're a bit lucky with their proccing survival or with Berserker Rage.

If the target you want to attack with X-23 is not the Trigger Scent target, Blades of Rage is your best option.  Use her Assassin's Strike to finish off characters like Rescue who you might not be able to kill, but can get low.

This is a really fun and flavorful team, which I highly suggest you give a try.  It's also a decent team on defense, since it has several ways to get lucky and win even with poor AI.

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