Thursday, August 8, 2013

Avengers Academy - Shadowcat & Phoenix

Avengers Academy features a PVP team that is easy to acquire and works at lower level brackets.  It'll have a budget, low level focus for the items, and won't use items that are no longer in the rotation at the time of printing.

Shadowcat Kitty Pryde (Infiltrator):
ISO-8:  Steady
The Shadowcat alternate costume is unfortunately critical to this build working, you really need the benefits of starting phased and Strike from the Shadows to make this work.  With the Mind Link from Phoenix up, Kitty will protect and counter nearly every attack thrown at her.

First round, you can Call Lockheed, hopefully on a tactician to get Combat Reflexes for more counterattacks.  Call Lockheed doesn't break phased, so you'll have another turn to dish out some painful counterattacks before you break phased with Sneak Attack, which hits exceptionally hard.  Use Shadow Kick if you have Already Phased, and use Phased Attack to set back up once the debuff falls off.

Phoenix (Blaster):
ISO-8:  Mercurial and Chaotic (see Agent note) or Violent (after 125)
Use Mind Link on Kitty to set her up to protect/counter attacks, and then start focus firing someone with your mind-bullets!  One thing to be aware of is if it looks like someone is going to drop soon, you likely want to make sure you have enough stamina on phoenix to use her Phoenix Fire, so that might mean preemptively recharging.

Phoenix has Psychic Energy attacks, very good for focus firing past protects or onto other phased targets like Agents using Sinister Sceptre, or opposing Kitty Pryde.  Additionally she has a Stun which can be helpful for protecting Kitty once she's had to break Phased.

Infiltrator or Bruiser Agent
ISO-8:  Mercurial and Chaotic (see Agent note)
Key items:
Sudden Support
Goblin Glider (or Custom version)

One thing about this team is that ISOing your team is very particular:  You must make sure that Kitty has the highest max HP between the Agent, Phoenix and Kitty for the AI to properly Mind Link onto Kitty like you want during the setup of the team.  Since the AI always mind links the character with the most HP remaining, that will often be Kitty since she starts the fight phased (barring psychic shenanigans).

Otherwise, this Agent is set up to have one bit stealthy hit on a key opponent.  With three stealthy characters you can often remove a troublesome Agent or Rescue before she gets a chance to remove your Mind Link or Strike from the Shadows, which lets you have free reign to run over them in a flurry of counterattacks.


Total CP Cost:  65 for Ktty, plus up to 80 for White Crown Phoenix, putting this team around 145CP for the better setup.  You could spend slightly more and get Infiltrator Phoenix, but I currently prefer the Blaster variety.  If you see a ton of Rescue, it might be worth the extra CP though.

This team is fairly buff reliant:  If the opposing team strips your buffs before you get a chance to really act, it can be devastating.  Still, it has a lot of play and is quite the fun team to use.  Phased is very powerful, and if you can take advantage of it you can use it to survive teams that are set up to one shot you fairly easily.

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